Taro ate Christmas Ribbon

Hello, dear reader who is hopefully done shopping,

Above, you see the fullspread paperback for "Adagio." I've now laid hands on a proof of the physical book and pronounced it beautiful. It is on Amazon, where you might even be able to get it in time for Christmas. I've also put a pre-order in my signed paperback store. I've ordered stock, but it won't reach me until January, so that's an after-Christmas thing.

I keep debating about whether to offer media mail rates (instead of Priority) in my signed paper book store. If you'd like to vote, you can do so here, where I explain the plusses and minuses of each. Please only vote if this issue affects you. That means you're in the US and you've either ordered signed paper books from me in the past or plan to do so in the future.

State of the Cattery

Taro ate a Christmas ribbon last week. He chewed it off a package moments after I lovingly wrapped it and placed it under the tree. How is he so smart and also so foolish?

The first intimation I had of this disaster was him arfing chewed up ribbon all over the library, where I was wrapping gifts. Fortunately, he chewed it into inch-long pieces, which is slightly less dangerous than swallowing a long string. There was about 48 hours of distress and vet calls, in which the verdict was "wait and see."

I've never been more happy to find bedraggled Christmas ribbon peaking out of the...er...contents of the litter box (TMI, sorry). At this point, all the ribbon seems to have come out one end of the cat or the other. Taro remained playful and unconcerned throughout his culinary adventure, chasing his brother and pulling ornaments off the tree. I hope he's learned his lesson, but I doubt it.

What else is happening?

  • I'm writing a Christmas present for the Patreon. Shhh, don't tell them!

  • I have seen the final hardback of Distraction and it is gorgeous. I've ordered stock. If you want to order it off Amazon, it's got my stamp of approval. The Bright Side hardback is up, but I haven't seen the final book yet, so I'd advise waiting.

Yours, an author writing presents,