The Gift of Mice - Newsletter

Hello, Marvelous readers,

Above, you see Nim (19 years old) lying on a favorite rug. The old man is doing pretty well. I told him that he outlived the queen of England, and he asked if that meant he gets extra treats. (Of course it does!)

I'm once again working on my Sleipner Drive books (mm romance, epic fantasy, entirely new setting). I reworked the first four chapters a bit and reposted them. New chapter tomorrow. If you're the kind of person who likes reading things in draft, you can read the story as I write it here.

In case you missed last week's email, my latest Hunters Universe story is complete and available on Patreon, where it will remain for as long as it takes me to write the Sleipner books. If you're current through Bright Side, you can read Legacy here.

I also updated the rewards summary page on Patreon. I moved some previously paid things to free tier. Even if you have no plans to become a Patron, you should check it out.

What else is happening?

  • Arcove's Bright Side paperback is uploaded and proceeding through the review process, along with hardcovers for the previous books in that series.

  • Rish is nearing the halfway point in recording the Bright Side audiobook.

  • Taro left a toy mouse in my bed. It was startling, but you know, it could have been worse. It could have been a real mouse.

Yours, an author with untold numbers of migratory stuffed mice,

Published Under A. H. Lee

The Incubus Series
The Knight and the Necromancer

Published Under Abigail Hilton
Hunters Unlucky
Pirates of Wefrivain
The Prophet of Panamindorah
The Eve and Malachi Series