This One is Funny

Dear reader who is ready for some fun,

Above, you see Mochi at his heart-stopping poser best. He and his brother have had an exciting week. I got a litter robot. When you open the instructions, the first thing you see are suggestions on how to gently acclimate your cats to this potentially-frightening device. Meanwhile, my boys are crowding into the thing going, "Is this for us?! Is it a litter box! OMG, we love litter boxes!! Why is it making that noise! Hey, get out of the way; I want to see!"

They were ready to climb into it while it was doing its first cycle. Then they ran out of the room to go drink more water, so they could pee in it again.

Below is a picture of them stuffing themselves inside together (because they have always believed firmly that bathroom time is family time). There are more pictures of them inspecting it on Instagram.

I also posted a recent video of them grooming each other, which is a guaranteed serotonin boost.

What's the News in Books?

I've got 4 books free on the Zon from now until Wed. They are:

  • The Knight and the Necromancer Book 1

  • Enthralled (the related winter novella about Merek)

  • Incubus Caged (first Incubus book)

  • Incubus Bonded (the second Incubus book)

If you were planning to check out one of those series and hadn't gotten around to it, now's your chance. I frequently give away the first book in a series, but I rarely give away the second. Incubus Bonded (Book 2) is where the MM goodness really heats up in those books.

Also, I rarely give away Enthralled, which also works as a stand alone, even if you have never read any other books in that world. It's a wintery ghost story wrapped around a second-chance gay romance, all set in a necromancer's tower on the longest night of the year.

Second item of business about those books - all my A. H. Lee stuff is back in Kindle Unlimited again. Reason: There are thousands of people who want to read those books on that platform vs dozens who want to read them anywhere else.

However...if you are wanting to get my A. H. Lee ebooks outside of Amazon, just hit reply and talk to me. We will work something out. If you are a KU subscriber, rejoice. This only applies to ebooks, so audio and paper can still be found in my store. Also, all my Abigail Hilton titles remain available everywhere.

What else is going on?

  • I just posted the third and final interview with narrator Rish Outfield regarding Arcove's Bright Side and writing in general. This is the spoilerific interview. We tried to stay away from spoilers in the first two. They are all public posts on my Patreon. You don't have to be a subscriber to listen. You might have to trawl around in the feed to find them, though.

  • Additionally, I am finishing up "Relevant," the final short story that I need to completely the Legacy collection (the 5th Hunters book). It's about Teek and Storm, who go to investigate an artifact from another world while on a hunting trip. It happens about a year after Bright Side. I'm drafting it at the $5 Patreon level.

  • Rish is hard at work recording the audio for "Cormorant" (Pirates of Wefrivain Book 5). It's a big book, but he's zipping along. We'll have it out by summer for sure. Lauren, unfortunately, cannot contribute to this one, so it will be a solo narration.

  • In addition to my little promo videos, I've been posting my reactions/comments to fan art on TikTok. Those vids are about 3 minutes long. They also post to Instagram.

Yours, An Author with a Litterbox Robot (named Alfred if you must know),