A. H. Lee

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Christmas is Coming...along with 2015

Hello, Readers and Listeners!

It's that time of year - when you order stuff online, so that it will arrive in plenty of time for Christmas. If someone in your life enjoys my books (or if they might enjoy my books), please consider getting them a lovely paperback. They are all available from Amazon or CreateSpace. You get a 25% discount from CreateSpace if you're on my mailing list. The code is in the welcome email. If you're on the list and have lost the code, let me know.

Cowry Catchers stickers from Redbubble also make great stocking stuffers.

If you're traveling for the holidays, consider an audio book.

And if you read this far through my sales pitch, I invite you to tell me what you'd like to see for sale in the coming year. I'm making my business plan, and I need to know where to focus my efforts. Thanks for the feedback.