Pictured: Two white and cream colored cats, one with blue eyes, and one with golden eyes, cuddled up in a sink together, looking cozy and a little smug.

 My newsletter has moved to the free “Follow” tier of Patreon. Subscribe, and you’ll get weekly updates on my books and my life. You’ll also get photos of my Japanese Bobtail cats, Taro and Mochi (let’s be honest, this is why most of you sign up!) You can also use the Patreon app to get my newsletters if you don’t like email. You can even bookmark the site and check it the old-fashioned way.

The devs on Patreon like to move things around. Currently, the “Follow” button is located in a 3-dot menu under my banner image, as pictured below. The URL is https://www.patreon.com/abigailhilton