Artwork from my Books

No, I'm not talking about the Cowry Catchers artbook (although I have gotten first proof, and it looks awesome!)

I'm talking about my Tumblr and Pinterest accounts. I'm going to try harder this year to post art from my books there regularly, so if you're on those platforms, please follow me and share my pictures. I'm doing this because I have a lot of artistically-rich story content, but Twitter and Facebook are not good social media platforms for sharing images or discovering things via artwork. I feel like I need to make more of an effort to engage on platforms that focus on images.

Also, with the website gone for good, the artwork from those books is no longer available anywhere other than the ebooks. Apart from Book 1, it's now behind a pay-wall. Since the podcast on Podiobooks promises listeners that the artwork from books 1-3 is available for viewing, I feel like I need to get that back up somewhere, and it will draw more eyeballs on Tumblr and Pinterest than on my website. So, I plan to add a few images a day and try to engage more with folks on those sites. I'll post some art that's not available anywhere else, so follow along if you're interested.

If you don't want to deal with those sites, but still want to follow along, there's a Tumblr RSS feed here -  I think there's a Pinterest feed, too, but it's basically the same content.