Speculative Biology Ahoy

Dear reader who might enjoy speculative biology,

Above you see a truly wonderful piece of Hunters Universe fan art by Iben Krutt (who also painted the covers for Book 2 onward). Curbs are thylacine-like animals. An extinct relative of the thylacine did have a semi-opposable thumb. You can see a higher resolution version of this image and read a little more about these critters here. To get a huge sample of book 1 in both text and audio, go here.

Iben is working on a new cover for the hardback of Book 1 that will match the other new covers, as well as a cover for Book 5 (currently complete and sitting on my Patreon).

State of the Abbie

If you feel like you haven't heard from me in a few weeks, you're right. I got sick and then I got wiped out by my new work assignment and it took me a while to claw my way to the surface. Taro and Mochi are well. The last weekend I was home, Taro left a catnip mouse beside my pillow. Mochi brought me a worm from the herb bed. He left it on the floor instead of my pillow, thank goodness.

What's the News in Books?

  • I have begun posting The Cormorant (Pirates of Wefrivain Book 5) audiobook on the Patreon! Episodes drop on Tuesdays and Fridays. There are currently six episodes available and you can listen to the first one for free. This is the conclusion of a long-running series. You can get the first book here. Rish and I are a little over halfway finished with the total recording for this novel (it's long). When it's done, it'll be available in my store, but right now the Patreon is the only place to listen. All the books are, of course, available in ebook and paper as well.

  • I've updated my Rewards Summary on Patreon. I've been on that site for over 5 years, so there are a lot of interesting items in the feed. This is not a exhaustive list, but it shows you the highlights with quick links.

  • I'm writing the Sleipner books. Nothing new to report there just yet.

Yours, An Author editing audio,