My cats have thumbs

Dear Reader of very long books,

I am delighted to announce that The Cormorant audiobook, narrated by Rish Outfield, is finished! The is the 5th and final book in the Pirates of Wefrivain saga, so if you only listen to finished things, you can finally begin. I am making the audio of Book 1 (The Guild of the Cowry Catchers) free this week-only, for people who are just jumping on board. These books are epic fantasy, queer characters, fairly dark themes, some graphic content, mature readers only.

The Cormorant audiobook is 22 hours long and brings satisfying character growth and conclusions to the whole cast. There are a few big surprises, and ultimately happy endings. (What? You think I can't give some of those characters happy endings, based on what happened to them in previous books? *rolls up her sleeves*) Rish did an amazing job performing some very emotional scenes and keeping all the character voices consistent.

I have no intention of putting this audiobook on retailers anytime soon, so if you want it, there are only two ways to get it: my store or (for the next two or three months) as podcast episodes on Patreon. Those are dropping twice weekly and we're getting near the halfway point of the novel.

Why am I not willing to put this book on Audible? Folks, in order to make back its costs of production, this book would have to sell around 1,200 copies at the pittance Audible pays me. Other retailers (Apple, Kobo, Googleplay) are a little better, but not much. In order to make back its costs on my own website, the book only needs to sell about 200 copies. Even that will probably take a year, because these books have a small audience compared to my A. H. Lee books. However, I really couldn't afford to produce books like this at all if my only option were retailers like Audible. Once the book makes back its costs, I will consider putting it on retailers.

State of the Cattery

At the top of the email, you see Mochi, sitting on my lap after I came home from my most recent assignment. He has been extremely displeased with my leaving lately. Last time I packed, he stole a pair of socks that had been turned inside out to make a bundle. He pulled them apart, which seems difficult without thumbs, and then proceeded to scattered them as far apart as possible. I found one on the stairs. I could not find the other. Two weeks later, I finally found it on a shelf in my closet. What a rascal!

He and his brother also unscrewed the bathroom sink stopper this morning. I have no idea how, but they left it neatly beside the sink. I must say, it did need to be cleaned. I feel like they have thumbs when I'm not looking.

What else is happening?

  • If you are a fan of the video game Persona 5 and also Hunters've gotta see this fan art. Really, you should see it anyway. Although it's got to be the nichest of all fan art.

  • Rish is going to pause in his recording of extraordinarily long books to record the short story "Adagio" for the Prophet of Panamindorah short story collection. Those of you who love that story, rejoice!

  • Next up in all formats will be Legacy (Hunters Universe 5), finished in draft and waiting to be edited.

  • I'm writing the Sleipner books.

Yours, An Author whose cats have thumbs,

Published Under A. H. Lee

The Incubus Series

The Knight and the Necromancer

Published Under Abigail Hilton

Hunters Unlucky

Pirates of Wefrivain

The Prophet of Panamindorah

The Eve and Malachi Series